菏泽学院 菏泽学院位于驰誉中外的牡丹之乡——山东省菏泽市的北郊,处在建设中的7000亩大学文化城的中心,是鲁西南地区唯一的一所综合性普通本科院校。 菏泽学院是一所具有半个多世纪办学历史的高等院校。她的前身是诞生在战火纷飞的解放战争时期的冀鲁豫区第二师范学校,1949年初改称菏泽第一师范学校。1958年7月根据山东省人民政府的决定,更名为菏泽师范专科学校,1978年经国务院批准为普通高等专科学校。2002年1月,经山东省人民政府批准,菏泽师专、菏泽教育学院、菏泽广播电视大学、菏泽农校、菏泽师范学校等五校合并,成立新的菏泽师专,并以此为基础筹建菏泽学院。2004年5月17日,经教育部批准,菏泽师专改建为菏泽学院。建校50多年来,菏泽学院先后培养了8万余名合格毕业生,为地方教育事业的发展和经济社会的全面进步做出了突出贡献。 菏泽学院分为三个校区,占地面积1374亩,建筑面积40万平方米。各校区花木繁茂、碧草如茵、环境优雅、景色宜人,是读书治学的理想园地。学校建有46个实验室,仪器设备总值超过6000万元。图书馆拥有包括3300册《四库全书》在内的100万册藏书、清华同方期刊数据库和现代化的电子阅览系统,能基本满足师生的教学、科研和学习需要。 学院现设有20个系,本专科专业58个,其中本科专业21个,专科专业37个,涉及文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、法学、教育学、管理学八大学科门类。现有各类全日制在校生15000余人,成人教育在读生7000余人。 学院十分重视师资队伍建设,在立足自我培养、自我提高的基础上,制定优惠政策,积极引进高层次人才,师资力量日益雄厚。现有教职工1100余人,其中正高职称53人,副高职称345人,具有博士、硕士学位者近300人,全国优秀科技工作者1人,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家1人,山东省高校教师教学名师1人,山东省高等学校中青年学术骨干学科带头人培养对象和市级以上拔尖人才9人,曾宪梓教育基金奖获得者10人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴1人。 学院始终把教学工作作为学校各项工作的重中之重,大力强化教学的中心地位,教学质量稳步提高。历届毕业生受到社会的广泛赞誉,一次性就业率超过80%,多次获得了省教育厅的表扬。在山东省教育厅组织的专升本考试中,我校连续10年在同类学校中名列前茅,多年位居同类院校第一。 学院坚持走科研兴校之路,近年来,我校承担省级以上科研攻关课题25项,获国家专利7项,发表论文2000余篇,出版专著90余部。作为学校科研园地的《菏泽学院学报》(原为《菏泽师专学报》),先后荣获全国高专学报一等奖、教育部优秀科技期刊二等奖。 山东省委、省政府和菏泽市委、市政府十分重视菏泽学院的建设与发展,在资金投入、人才引进等方面给予了优惠政策,对引进的高学历人才,由省财政全额发放工资;学院近三年将投资5000万元添置教学科研仪器设备,投资1000万元购买图书资料。 菏泽学院以科学发展观为指导,树立人本理念,强化“教学立校、科研兴校、人才强校”三大战略,坚持 “厚基础、宽口径、高素质”的创新型人才培养目标,不断解放思想、更新理念、深化改革、全面创新,扩大办学规模,提升办学层次,为建设成为多学科、地方性、一流的普通本科院校而努力奋斗。有菏泽875万人民的大力支持,由全院师生的共同努力,菏泽学院的明天一定会更加美好! Redeveloped on the basis of the former Heze Teachers College with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Heze University is a multi-disciplinary,Comprehensive and ordinary college ,which is located in Heze City ,Shandong ,the famous hometown of peony ,calligraphy and painting ,opera and Wushu(martial art),with strong cultural inside information and profound historical accumulation. Covering an area of 1374 mu, with a construction area of 400,000 square meters, the university is complete in infrastructures ,and fine in the condition for running a school, being equipped with 46 various 46 laboratories ,and the instruments and equipment for scientific research and teaching worth more than 35million yuan in total; 1000,000 collected books ,including 5500 volumes of Si Ku Quan Shu (Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature),and Tsinghua Tongfang’s periodicals database and modernized electronic reading system in the library ,which can meet the demands of teachers and students for teaching , scientific research and study basically. And it owns 32out-of-school practice bases and 18professional practice bases. By now ,the university consists of 20 departments ,a College of Continuing Education, a College of Professional Technology ,a work station of the Radio and TV University ,an affiliated middle school ,with 14undergraduate programs ,33 college programs and 15 adult education programs to be offered, covering five kinds of humanities, social science, science, engineering course and agricultural science, in which the humanities ,social science and science are the main disciplines. the full-time student enrollment is about 15000 with an additional over 7000 adult students .More than 80,000 qualified graduates have been fostered for our country since its founding for above 50 years. There are 1228 teaching and administrative staff by now. Among the others ,the full-time teachers are 646,in which 268 are given the senior title of professional post ,or 41.4% ;and 200 or more have got degree of master or higher .in addition ,67part-time professors with the degree of master or higher are engaged ,including 2 long-term foreign teachers .Among the teachers ,there are 1 national outstanding scientific worker ,1 young and middle-aged expert making outstanding contribution in Shandong, 1 famous teaching master among the faculty members from the Shandong colleges and universities ,11 municipal-level or higher top-notch talents and discipline leaders to be fostered among the young and middle-aged academic backbones of Shandong colleges and universities, 10 winning the Zeng Xianzi Education Funds Prize and 1enjoying the special government allowance of the State Council. The academic atmosphere of the campus is strong ,and the achievements in scientific research are outstanding .Since the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, over 3000scientific papers were published, among them more than 880 are copied and reprinted,and included by SCI and the People’s University of China;188 specialized publications and teaching materials are published. It undertook 45 scientific research projects at the above province level ;obtained 12 national scientific and technological patents ;8awards of the national-level outstanding thesis and 45 awards of provincial outstanding thesis .The Journal of Heze Teacher College won the many prizes successively ,which is renames the Journal of Heze Universyity. By looking beyond with full lofty sentiments ,Heze University ,concerned and supported by the higher level Party committee and governments and all walks of life ,shall follow the phrasal school regulations of innovating , seeking truth from facts ,being diligent in study and cultivating our moral character to further emancipate the mind , keep the pace with times ,deepen the reform and speed up the development to develop Heze University into one college with complete subjects ,rational disciplines offering and beautiful campus environment and the fostering center of talents with high quality in Southwest Shandong, the scientific research base and radiant point of promoting cultural and ideological progress, and one bright pearl sparkling on the earth of Southwest Shandong . 院校网址:http://www.hzu.com.cn