非洲健康基金会(AWF)宣布T恤设计比赛,这个比赛为了庆祝第四届“为了Bono的生日保持健康”年度捐款活动(Bono是U2乐队主唱)。过去三年中U2乐队的歌迷共捐献了超过5万美元善款。我们寻找一个设计,可以体现非洲健康基金会的使命之一就是得到干净的水源是人的基本权利,并且体现Bono的行动主义精神,这个比赛从2006年2月1日到3月15日,3月22日宣布竞赛结果。<br> <br> 竞赛要求:<br> A clear and consistent visual identity strengthens AWF’s image. This outlines the AWF’s graphic identity standards – relating to logos, colors and graphic elements that create a strong visual identity.<br> - Our web address must be used: www.africanwellfund.org in either black, white or our burgundy color (specified below). <br> - Our logo must be used and must only be reproduced as black, white, or our burgundy color which is:<br> Spot color: Pantone 202<br> Four-color process: C 30 M 97 Y 72 K 30<br> RGB: R 137 G 32 B 52<br> Logo Downloads: Illustrator EPS - Photoshop TIF - Grayscale JPG - RGB JPG <br> <br> - No copyrighted images may be used. If photos or original artwork is involved we will need written permission by the image owner to reproduce the design.<br> <br> - We will be using Cafe Press to reproduce your design on t-shirts, mugs and other things. They use a photo-transfer method so you may design using CMYK or RGB.<br> <br> - Please design at 300dpi at 100% of the size we will be printing (approximately 10”x10” for tshirts.)<br> <br> - Design may include both front and back design or one or the other. Please specify on entry if design is for front or back.<br> <br> - Please submit ONLY JPGs or PDFs for consideration to lwineman@africanwellfund.org or if you need to mail hardcopies please contact for mailing address. <br> <br> - Your design will be judged on creativity, relationship to the purpose of creating water education in an eye-catching way, drawing interest to the AWF and our mission, and promoting the Bono Birthday Well Fundraiser.<br> <br> - Winning artwork will become property of AWF and will be allowed to be used in print and web for future campaigns and at our discretion.<br> <br> - There is no age limit on who may enter, however, children under age 18 must have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter.<br> <br> - All designs will be judged by AWF board of directors and associates.<br> <br> -All entries due no later than Midnight of Wednesday, March 15, 2006.<br> <br> - Any further questions, please contact Lara Wineman at lwineman@africanwellfund.org <br> <br> 更多信息:http://africanwellfund.org/D4-BBW4.html